Home Tasting menu

Tasting menu

by fuocolento

Tasting menu

Benvenuto dello chef
Chef’s welcome

Ostriche Gillardeau
con aceto framboise allo scalogno
Gillardeau Oyster
with shallot raspberry vinegar

Sfoglie di tonno
con aceto di lamponi, timo e gel ai fichi d’india
Tuna carpaccio with raspberry vinegar, thyme and prickly pear gel

Tartara di ricciola con battuto di pomodori del piennolo,
crema di avocado e polvere di olive infornate
Amberjack tartare with chopped cherry tomatoes,
avocado cream and baked olive powder

Polpo arrostito su crema di cavolfiore
Rosted octopus on cauliflower cream

Capesante scottate su crema di zucca
con mandorle tostate e tartufo nero
Seared scallops on pumpkin cream
with toasted almonds and fine black truffle

Spaghetti artigianali di grano antico Senatore Cappelli
ai ricci di mare con battuto di pomodorini al basilico
Artisan spaghetti from Senatore Cappelli ancient wheat
with sea urchins with fresh cherry tomato sauce and basil

Tagliolini con calamaretti spillo e funghi porcini
Tagliolini with baby squid and porcini mushrooms

Filetto di spigola
con finferli, patate dolci e cenere di rosmarino
Sea bass fillet with chanterelle mushrooms
sweet potatoes and rosemary ash

Dessert ispirazione dello chef
Chef inspired dessert

€ 120 pp

The Fuocolento Roma restaurant’s tasting menu is intended to offer the customer a gastronomic experience based on tasting some of the restaurant’s dishes.
This type of menu consists of several fish dishes and can only be booked for the whole table, if the table is for 4, 4 tasting menus are served and calculated.
The wine recommended by our wine master and other drinks are calculated separately.

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